Build Legislative Advocacy Power
Grassroots activists and civil rights organizations are standing up for the right to advocate for Palestinian human rights by mobilizing to defeat repressive bills, challenging these unconstitutional laws in court, and pushing for affirmative legislation that protects the right to dissent. Check out these resources to persuade legislators to stand for justice— not censorship.
- Check out action alerts from USCPR, JVP Action, AMP, and on your state’s page!
- Connect with a coalition in your state!
- USCPR Directory of Members of Congress
- Organizing Against State Level Anti-BDS Legislation: The Massachusetts Experience
- Grassroots Advocacy Toolkit: Taking Your People Power to Congress
- Protest Under Fire: Anti-BDS Toolkit for Activists
- Resisting Anti-BDS Legislation
- No IHRA Toolkit
- Local Ordinances and Resolutions,
- Examples of legal letters opposing repressive legislation
- Pro-Israel lobby groups may be meeting with your local and national representatives to push forward repressive laws—and you have a right to know about it.
- State/Local: Public Records Letter Generator
- Federal: FOIA Basics for Activists

Build Cross-Movement Connections
Legislation targeting advocacy for Palestinian rights is part of a broader attack on protest and justice movements here in the US and around the world. Activists and groups committed to freedom, justice, and equality for all are mobilizing across movements to counter this attack on our right to dissent. Plug into the campaigns of allies on the front lines
- Statement on Ben and Jerry’s
- Open Letter to DOJ: Repeal Anti-Protest Bills
- National Coalition Calls on Biden to Halt Weapons Sales to Israel
- Common Cause, Fair Fight Action, and Over 300 Organizations Call on Corporations to Cut Ties with ALEC
- Sheikh Jarrah: Facebook and Twitter systematically silencing protests, deleting evidence
- Joint Statement Calling on Biden Administration to Condemn Israeli government plans to Forcibly Displace Palestinians in Occupied East Jerusalem
- Coalition Letter Calling for United Nations Inquiry into U.S. Police Violence
- Open Letter to Amazon: Technologies that automate and enhance policing are dangerous and undermine racial justice. Make the ban on police use of Rekognition permanent, and abolish surveillance technology
- Ask Dr. Fauci: End Medical Apartheid
- ACLU, Civil Rights Groups Call on Biden to Halt Federal Use of Facial Recognition Technology
- Letter to State Department regarding Killing of Ali Abu Aliya
- International Organizations Demand DOJ Review Chevron's Retaliatory Litigation Against Human Rights Attorney Steven Donziger
- Tell Biden: Pick a Special Envoy that will be committed to fighting neo-Nazis and white nationalists — not Palestinians and students
- 157 Civil Rights Organizations Oppose a New Domestic Terrorism Charge
- Tell Biden: Our liberations are intertwined – holding Israel accountable is not antisemitism
- Law Enforcement Authorities in the Wake of the January 6 Capitol Assault
- Palestinian letter to Congress
- Over A Dozen Civil Society Groups Call on Congress to Investigate FBI & DHS “Black Identity Extremism” Spying
- Statement of Solidarity with Kashmiri Civil Society
- Breathe Act Action Hub
- Statement of Solidarity with Palestinian Civil Society
- Divest from Violence; Invest in Justice for All
- #ProtectBlackDissent: Demand the FBI Stop Lying and Stop Spying on Black Protesters
- Open Letter Demanding an End to Unprecedented House Arrest of Human Rights Attorney Steven Donziger and a Call to the International Human Rights Community to #MakeChevronCleanUp
- Joint Open Letter to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court: Time to Investigate Crimes in Palestine, Time for Justice
- UN: Urgent Intervention Needed to Protect Palestinian Prisoners and Detainees in Israeli Prisons from COVID-19 Exposure
- Take Action Against ALEC
- ADC, Brennan Center for Justice, & CDT Question Use of Discriminatory Border Screening Policy in Letter Submitted to DHS
Build Towards Justice, Freedom, and Equality for All
Despite these efforts to silence dissent, justice movements continue to grow. The victories and solidarity efforts that have come out of this work offer inspiration to continue the fight for Palestinian freedom—and our right to demand it. If your community is inspired in other ways, share them with us.

The Movement Is Growing. Support for the movement for Palestinian rights is growing—and that’s why legislators are turning up the heat. There are over 250+ boycott, divestment, and sanctions victories across the United States, and even more internationally.
- Join a BDS campaign
- Get involved in campus advocacy
- Learn more about BDS
Cross Movement Solidarity Is Deep. The struggle for Palestinian rights and freedom is also a struggle for Indigenous rights, Black liberation, and border justice. These solidarity statements reaffirm the interconnectedness of our movements.
Freedom Demands Are Stronger Than Ever. Justice movements are rolling out visions, agendas, and policies to demand a world of justice for all. The right to boycott—and the right to be in solidarity with Palestinian calls for freedom, justice, and equality—is part of them.
- Freedom is the Future Demands – demands from Palestinians in the US for a future of freedom and liberation.
- Invest in Justice For All Campaign – a policy movement to end US military funding to Israel, defund the police, and invest in justice for communities.
- Movement for Black Lives Demands – calls for an invest/divest campaign that includes ending US aid to Israel and other governments abusing human rights.
- The Red Deal – an Indigenous-centered platform for climate justice and grassroots reform and revolution.
- Deadly Exchange – campaign to end exchanges and trainings between US law enforcement and Israeli security forces to realize safety and justice for all.
- #WhyWeBoycott – hundreds of people and organizations are demanding the right to boycott for justice in Palestine.
Contact us for legal support or to share additional resources.