H.B. 1161 Is Unconstitutional and Must Be Opposed February 4, 2022 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Virginia Bill: HB 1161 (2022)
HB 1898 Is Unconstitutional and Must Be Opposed February 15, 2023 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Virginia Bill: HB 1898 (2023)
Oppose HB 1606 For Infringing on Free Speech and Perpetuating Anti-PalestinianRacism February 16, 2023 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Virginia Bill: HB 1606 (2023)
Oppose SB 1143 and HB 2683… March 4, 2020 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Arizona Bill: SB 1143
S. 4001/A. 5755 Will Stifle Constitutionally Protected Speech… July 15, 2019 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: New Jersey Bill: S 4001
Mandate of the Special Rapporteur… February 14, 2019 Source: Special Rapporteur... Location: Federal Bill: S 1
First Amendment concerns with Anti-Semitism Awareness Act August 7, 2018 Source: Coalition Legal Letter Location: Federal Bill: HR 5924
Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, S. 2940, H.R.5924 June 4, 2018 Source: ACLU Location: Federal Bill: HR 5924
Oppose the amended Israel Anti-Boycott Act April 6, 2018 Source: Coalition Legal Letter Location: Federal Bill: S 720
ACLU Opposes Revised Version of S.720 –Israel Anti-Boycott Act March 6, 2018 Source: ACLU Location: Federal Bill: S 720
S.B. 849 and H.B. 2179 Are Unconstitutional and Must Be Opposed February 13, 2018 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Missouri Bill: SB 849
S.1689 and H.1685 Letter of Opposition July 11, 2017 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Massachusetts Bill: S 1689
H.3643 is Unconstitutional and Must Be Opposed March 2, 2017 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: South Carolina Bill: H 3643
SB739/HB 949 Letter of Opposition February 22, 2017 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Maryland Bill: SB 739
HB 89 and SB 134 are Unconstitutional and Must be Opposed February 21, 2017 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Texas Bill: HB 89
Statement of the ACLU of Minnesota In Opposition to HF 400 House State Government Finance Committee February 15, 2017 Source: ACLU of Minnesota State: Minnesota Bill: HF 400
Tucson Stop G4S coalition letter against HB 2617 February 1, 2017 Source: Tucson Stop G4S coalition State: Arizona Bill: HB 2617
HB 2261 is Unconstitutional and Must be Opposed January 27, 2017 Source: Palestine Legal, CCR, Defending Rights and Dissent State: Virginia Bill: HB 2261
ACLU of Ohio Testimony to Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee December 7, 2016 Source: ACLU of Ohio State: Ohio Bill: HB 476
HB 2107 threatens First Amendment-protected speech and must be vetoed October 24, 2016 Source: Palestine Legal, CCR, NLG State: Pennsylvania Bill: HB 2107
Request to Veto AB 2844, targeting constitutionally protected boycotts for Palestinian rights September 23, 2016 Source: Palestine Legal, CCR, NLG State: California Bill: AB 2844
AB 2844 Request for veto September 16, 2016 Source: ACLU of California State: California Bill: AB 2844
Six reasons why you should veto AB 2844 September 6, 2016 Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Coalition letter to Department of Finance regarding cost of amended AB 2844 September 1, 2016 Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Assembly Floor Alert AB 2844: Senate Version Restores Constitutional Defects the Assembly Sought to Eliminate, Hikes Costs Dramatically and Creates a New Crime That Is Void for Vagueness August 29, 2016 Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Senate Floor Alert addendum – Latest Amendments Fail to Salvage AB 2844 From Unconstitutionality August 22, 2016 Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Senate Floor Alert AB 2844: A Costly, Deceptive Attack on Political Speech August 17, 2016 Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Some final words (we hope) – Stop AB 2844 Coalition memo to Senate Appropriations Committee August 5, 2016 Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Still a waste of funds, still unconstitutional . . . and more deceptive than ever – Stop AB 2844 Coalition memo to Senate Appropriations Committee July 25, 2016 Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
AB 2844 – Oppose as amended 6/20/16 June 27, 2016 Source: ACLU of California State: California Bill: AB 2844
Anti-Boycott Bills, A925 and S1923 June 24, 2016 Source: Palestine Legal, Center for Constitutional Rights State: New Jersey Bill: S 1923
One step forward, five huge steps back – Stop AB 2844 Coalition memo to Senate Judiciary Committee June 22, 2016 State: California Bill: AB 2844
Narrowed, but still dangerous – Stop AB 2844 Coalition memo to Senate Judiciary Committee June 19, 2016 Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
ACLU-NJ Opposition to S1923/A925 June 6, 2016 Source: ACLU of New Jersey State: New Jersey Bill: S 1923
Letter of Opposition to HB 476 May 24, 2016 Source: Bill of Rights Defense Committee & Defending Dissent Foundation State: Ohio Bill: HB 476
Legal flaws permeate House Bill 476 May 24, 2016 Source: Freedom to Boycott Coalition State: Ohio Bill: HB 476
Costly, burdensome . . . and still unconstitutional – Stop AB 2844 Coalition memo to Assembly Appropriations Committee May 5, 2016 Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Legal analysis of AB 2844 April 19, 2016 Source: California Assembly Judiciary Committee State: California Bill: AB 2844
First Amendment concerns with H.B. 476 April 18, 2016 Source: Palestine Legal, CCR, NLG of Ohio State: Ohio Bill: HB 476
First Amendment concerns with S.B. 327 April 18, 2016 Source: Palestine Legal, Center for Constitutional Rights State: Georgia Bill: SB 327
Yes, AB 2844 is unconstitutional – Stop AB 2844 Coalition memo to Assembly Judiciary Committee April 18, 2016 Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Letter of Opposition to AB 2844 April 18, 2016 Source: Bill of Rights Defense Committee & Defending Dissent Foundation State: California Bill: AB 2844
AB 2844 – Oppose as amended 4/11/16 April 15, 2016 Source: ACLU of California State: California Bill: AB 2844
Legal Letter Opposing Anti-Boycott Bills April 7, 2016 Source: Palestine Legal, CCR, NLG-NYC State: New York Bill: A 8220A
Supplementary opposition memo regarding AB 2844 . . . April 7, 2016 Source: David L. Mandel and Carol Sanders State: California Bill: AB 2844
Legislative Memo: In Opposition of Prohibiting Politically Motivated Boycotts April 5, 2016 Source: NYCLU State: New York Bill: A 8220A
Statement on A.8220-A (Lavine) and S.6086 (Gianaris); A.9036 (Weinstein) / S.6378-A (Martins) April 4, 2016 Source: National Coalition Against Censorship State: New York Bill: A 8220A
AB 2844: New number, still unconstitutional March 31, 2016 Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Veto SB 86, Relating to Scrutinized Companies February 26, 2016 Source: ACLU of Florida State: Florida Bill: SB 86
Oppose SF 2281 and HF 2331 – Unconstitutional Prohibition on Contracts With Businesses That Boycott Israel February 24, 2016 Source: ACLU of Iowa State: Iowa Bill: HF 2331
Oppose AB 1551 & AB 1552 February 5, 2016 Source: CCR, NLG, Palestine Legal State: California Bill: AB 1551
First Amendment concerns with SB 86 October 19, 2015 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Florida Bill: SB 86
Letter to PA Lawmakers regarding Anti-BDS Bill June 16, 2015 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Pennsylvania Bill: HB 1018
Budget Bill SB 170, Amendment 923228/1 April 2, 2014 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Maryland Bill: SB 170
Senate Bill 647 and House Bill 998 – “Anti-Boycott Bills” March 3, 2014 Source: Coalition Legal Letter State: Maryland Bill: SB 647
Legislative Memo: In Relation to Withholding State Funds from Public Universities that Support Academic Associations that are Engaging in Boycotts February 10, 2014 Source: NYCLU State: New York Bill: S 6438