- Legislation
- EO 01.01.2017.25
- Status
- In Effect
- In Effect Since
- October 2017
- Type(s)
- Anti-boycott, State Contracts
- Full Text
- Read EO 01.01.2017.25
This anti-boycott executive order prohibits executive agencies from entering into procurement contracts with business entities, including sole proprietorships, that engage in boycotts of Israel or territories occupied by Israel. Contractors must provide written certification that they are not and will not for the duration of the contract engage in such boycotts. The order does not apply to boycotts undertaken “because of the specific conduct of the person or entity,” meaning that boycotts for Palestinian rights targeting entities complicit in Israel’s violations would be excluded. Governor Hogan adopted the order following the failure of several legislative efforts targeting boycotts for Palestinian rights. A legal challenge to the executive order was dismissed after a judge found the plaintiff lacked standing.