- Legislation
- SB 186 (2021)
- Status
- In Effect
- In Effect Since
- May 2021
- Type(s)
- Anti-boycott, State Contracts
- Full Text
- Read SB 186 (2021)
This anti-boycott bill prohibits state contracts with companies that boycott Israel. Contractors must provide a written certification that they do not and will not for the duration of the contract engage in a boycott of Israel. The bill excludes contracts whose total value is less than $100,000 and contractors that have fewer than 10 full time employees. The bill applies to boycott actions targeting Israel; individuals or companies based in Israel; and companies authorized or licensed by Israel, a provision that would reach boycotts targeting illegal settlements. Similar bills have failed to pass in previous sessions (SB 219). The legislature passed SB 186, and the law went into effect in May 2021.