Still a waste of funds, still unconstitutional . . . and more deceptive than ever – Stop AB 2844 Coalition memo to Senate Appropriations Committee Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Anti-Boycott Bills, A925 and S1923 Source: Palestine Legal, Center for Constitutional Rights State: New Jersey Bill: S 1923
One step forward, five huge steps back – Stop AB 2844 Coalition memo to Senate Judiciary Committee State: California Bill: AB 2844
Narrowed, but still dangerous – Stop AB 2844 Coalition memo to Senate Judiciary Committee Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Letter of Opposition to HB 476 Source: Bill of Rights Defense Committee & Defending Dissent Foundation State: Ohio Bill: HB 476
Costly, burdensome . . . and still unconstitutional – Stop AB 2844 Coalition memo to Assembly Appropriations Committee Source: Stop AB 2844 Coalition State: California Bill: AB 2844
Legal analysis of AB 2844 Source: California Assembly Judiciary Committee State: California Bill: AB 2844